Our Fruit Collection
  Our Rose Collection

Greenmantle Nursery
3010 Ettersburg Road
Garberville CA 95542
(707) 986-7504

Fifty year old 'August Etter' tree - Peach trees don't usually live this long....
almost 100 percent curl-resistance helps.

Growing good peaches in Northern California and the Pacific Northwest can be a tricky business because of inherent disease problems. As organic practitioners, we have narrowed our focus to varieties that display conspicuous resistance to the dreaded peach leaf curl. We propagate only a small number of trees each season, and some years have very few for sale. Nevertheless, a tree-ripened peach is an eating experience worthy of the effort. When we do have a good year, here are the varieties we offer:

August Etter Peaches

August Etter
Early Charlotte
Early Crawford
Indian Blood Cling

August Etter (1875-1960)
Uncle Gus lived and worked with
his brother Albert all their life. His
passion was stone fruit and he
experimented with peach and plum
hybridization. The peach we named
August Etter is believed to be a variety
he developed using the old Muir
peach as a parent. It is notable for its
resistance to leaf curl.

Peach varieties are listed alphabetically, and by happy coincidence, in order of relative curl-resistance. (August Etter is virtually immune here). We only make standard trees (18 foot spacing) on peach seedling rootstock. All varieties are self-pollinating.


Fruit Collection
- Rose Collection

All original text and images © Greenmantle Nursery 2005 -2012